
Morgan Freeman makes learning quantum physics easier... sort of.

There are few people in this world that when they speak, we all listen. We believe what they say, regardless if it seems irrational or beyond our understanding. Morgan Freeman is most certainly one of these people.

Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman is a fantastic new show on The Science Channel. Only two episodes into it's first season, and he makes every science show host before him sound like the annoying, nerdy, and general bore that they are (aside from the Mythbusters, respectfully).

So, go check out the new episode on Ninjavideo.net by clicking here.

(Note: You will need to download the DivX Web Player to view videos on Ninjavideo. The files below are virus free, and totally safe. If you don't trust these links, simply go to DivX.com and download them directly!)

DivX Web Player for PC: http://beta.ninjavideo.net/DivXWebPlayerInstaller.exe
DivX Web Player forMac: http://download.divx.com/support/installers/DivX67Installer.dmg

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